I care about lowering the barriers to entry for essentials that should be accessible to all.
I graduated from UCSB with a BA in Economics & Accounting. With a tenacious curiosity for how the world works, I gained experience in a slew of industries: FinTech, EdTech, Women's health, and E-Commerce. Just like Howl’s Castle, I am a proud hodgepodge of skills and experiences, passionate about helping people design the world they want to live in.
This means crafting experiences that lower the barriers to entry for life’s building blocks; whether that be in education, finance, health, or beyond.

My design journey
My love and curiosity for art started during the “terrible twos”, when I would unashamedly doodle over my brother’s homework.
From a young age, I loved crafting scrappy solutions and taking apart household items to understand how they worked. Even while pursuing a degree in Economics & Accounting, I would spend vacations sketching new user flows for the apps that I use.
When my grandmother passed away in 2020, I took a good, hard look in the mirror and was forced to answer my own question: do I want to spend my limited time on Earth not living a life true to myself?
The answer was no.
After taking a leap and walking away from a career in finance, I explored different design roles, finally arriving at product design.
What I love about product design is its emphasis on research-backed findings. Although I have a free creative spirit, I appreciate the presence of (some) rules and constraints, because we then use those rules to test the limits.
Looking back, I see that pieces of the design process have always been present in my past roles: designing dashboards at Splunk, crafting the enrollment experience at preschools, and creating product roadmaps at Guideline.
Throughout the years, I've zig zagged my way into design, ecommerce, fashion, women's health, and education. And I can't wait to see what's in store for me next.
Currently exploring
How to perfect the curve of a banana-inspired earring
An app that bridges female hormonal health with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Shipped end-to-end design solutions with Knack, a platform that connects students with peer tutors
Re-branded and redesigned my online shop, Lotus Haus Studio.
Designed an AI Sales Associate e-commerce experience with a YC-backed startup
Improved the data dashboard experience for an EdTech startup, Emote.